Electronic auctions is defined as the process through which commodities are sold and purchased through bidding on the price of the commodity through buyers. As for the electronic auction, it is defined as a dynamic pricing process, meaning that the price of the product changes from one buyer to another according to the importance of the commodity to the buyer as well as to the seller.
Electronic auctions:
The electronic auction takes place through the Internet, in which the buying and selling of goods takes place through electronic platforms that do not require people to attend certain arenas and disable time, and there are many modified versions of auctions such as the highest single price auction, which allows people to have advantages only once, and thus A seller imposes high commodities on the product so that no one bids on the offered price, and there is another type of auction which is used in electronic auctions and this type is used in government trade and is known as the sealed envelope bid.
Online auction site:
If you are looking for a reliable site for electronic auctions, you should visit the mzadat site, which is considered one of the most important sites that are used in electronic auctions. The site also includes all types of auctions that you want, such as car auctions, real estate auctions, and other types of auctions that you may want.
Terms of the online auction:
If you want to participate in the electronic auction, you need to adhere to several conditions related to the electronic auction site, which are among the most important factors that maintain security and peace for the site and for the site's customers as well. Among the most important of these conditions:
- First, the subscriber must be at least 18 years old.
- Secondly, the user should provide the site with all the data he needs and make sure that they are correct.
- Third, the customer must abide by all the conditions provided by the site before subscribing to it.
- Fourth, the user must acknowledge that there are no obstacles that prevent you from subscribing to our site.
- Fifth, the user must enter an appropriate payment method to be used during the buying and selling operations within the site.